Monday, July 26, 2010

Exercise Vs = 5v, R =1kohm, D =1N007 Breadboard Curcuit

Calculate first the value of current flowing through the diode, now measure and check your answer?
Show your working.

Calculated value : 4.3 mA

Measured value  : 4.1 mA

Is the reading as you expected; explain why or why not?

Yes it is what I expected because the data sheet says average rectified current @ 75 degrees is 1.0 amp and my reading is 4.1 - 4.3 mA

Calculate the voltage drop across the diode, now measure and check your answer?

amps x resistance =  volts = 4.3 mA = 0.0043 x 1000 ohms = 4.3 v =  vd = 0.7 v

measured vd = 0.663 v

What is the maximum value of the current that can flow through the given diode?

1 amp at 75 degrees

For R = 1Kohm. What is maximum value of Vs so that the diode operates in a safe region?

1 amp x 1000 ohms = 1000 volts

Replace the diode by an LED & calculate the current, then measure and check your answer?

5v - 3.102 = 1.898v devided by 1000 = 1.89 mA

Mesaured value = 1.59 ma


What do you observe? explain briefly.

The diode has a lower resistance so has higher milliamps going through and the LED has higher resistance so has lower milliamps going through.

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