Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Experiment No. 7

Connect the multimeter between base and emitter.
Note the voltage reading and explain what this is indicating.

Vbe = 0.7 volts This is because the base and emitter are acting as a diode in forward bias which shows the transistor is operating.

Connect the multimeter between collector and emitter.
Note the voltage reading and explain what this is indicating.

Vce = 0.01 v Because the depletion area is saturated so this means the transistor is operating.

How dose a transistor work in these regions? Explain in detail :

At Vce 5 the Ib = approx 0.2 mA Ic 5mA the transistor starts to operate and as the Vce volts decrease
the Ic mA and Ib mA increase the transistor becomes fully operational at approx Vce 1v, Ic 30mA, Ib 1mA

What is the power dissipated by the transistor at Vce of 3 volts?

14mA x 3v = 42 mA

What is the Beta of this transistor at Vce 2,3 & 4 volts?

2 Vce = 20 Ic mA ÷ 0.8 Ib mA = 25 Beta

3 Vce = 14 Ic mA ÷ 0.5 Ib mA = 28 Beta

4 Vce = 5 Ic mA ÷ 0.2 Ib mA = 25 beta


  1. Hi Steve some good work, however i cant see experiment 6 also i was looking for your transistor graph

  2. Hey Scott experiment 6,8, injector circuit and power circuit are on seperate pages there are links in the pages box up the top of blog.

  3. Thanks Steve i found experiment 6 it would have been nice to have some explanation on what was happening in experiment 6. Also your power calculation for Vce 3 is incorrect look at the unit
