Power Circuit

loch Master Design :

Schematic :

Component List :

R1 = 100Ω 25w carbon pile resistor
R2 = 270Ω 25w carbon pile resistor
R3 = 820Ω 25w carbon pile resistor

D12 = 1N4001 50v 1.3w diode
D13 = 1N4001 50v 1.3w diode
D15 = BZX85-C22 22v 1.3w zenea diode
LED1 20mA 1.8v LED (red)

C15 = electroletic 33uf 25v capasitor
C16 = electroletic 33uf 25v capasitor

Voltage regulator LM317

Circuit board 2.54mm grid

Test procedure :

Output voltage test result = 5.129v

volt drop across the LED 1.9v,  vd across R1 was 3.181v,  vd across R3 was 3.812v
vd C16 was 5.131v,  vd C15 11.51v,  voltage reg. adj.-in 7.81v,  in-out 6.37v, adj.-out 0v,

Calculations :

Vref = 1.25          Vout must = 5v

(1+R3/R2) 5 = 1.25 (1+R3/R2)

5/1.25 = 1+ R3/R2 4 = 1+R3/R2

4 - 1 = R3/R2

3 = R3/R2

3/1 R3/R2

R1 = 5v - 1.8v = 3.2v  so  3.2/0.3 = 106Ω  R1 = 106Ω

Vout = Vref (1+R3/R2)

5/1.25 = 4 (1+R3/R2) = 3/1 = 1/3

So I used a LM317 calculator at http://www.electronic-lab.com/ and got:

R2 270Ω
R3 820Ω

Circuit Explanation :

The heart of the circuit is the LM317 is an integrated three-terminal adjustable linear voltage regulator it has a input voltage of 3v to 40v and a output voltage between 1.25 and 37v and a current rating of 1.5amps. The  voltage between ADJ and OUT terminals is always 1.25v  knowing this I used the equation Vout = Vref (1+R3/R2) and a LM317 calculator to calculated the resistors R2 and R3 these would give me the 5v output voltage required for this circuit. The Vin terminal has a 12v supply through diode D13 in forward bias. Then D15 22v 1.3w zena diode in reverse bias in parallel with C15 a 33uf 25v capacitor. D12 is reveres bias and protects the LM317 from C15 discharging into the input.The LED has a resistor R1 with a 5v supply to get the value of R1 = 5v - 1.8v for the LED = 3.2v the LED is 30ma so i used ohms law 3.2/0.03 = 106.6 so R1 = 100Ω. 

Reflection :

The circuit was quite easy to design and build but I didn't really know anything about voltage regulators. So I found it difficult to write a circuit explanation, but after doing some research on the Internet I found heaps of information on the LM317 and now understand what was going on.